FAME “Movie Night” – Old Dogs

 John Travolta and Robin Williams team up in a family comedy that pairs the two as close business partners whose lives are thrown into disarray when twin seven-year-olds are put into their care. Travolta’s wife, Kelly Preston, co-stars, along with the couple’s daughter, Ella, who makes her big-screen debut here.  Don’t miss this hilarious show on Friday, Feb 20th  in Pioneer Park on Dearborn St in Englewood @ 6:30.   Hot dogs, popcorn, candy, water and soda for sale.  Bring blankets and chairs.  Contact Jim Pivovar @ 941 661 7917 with any questions.  The movie is sponsored by the Gulf Cove Moose 2554


 Denise Pivovar

ASD Group Inc.

941 475 7837



At: Pioneer Park

300 Dearborn St.
Englewood FL

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