Advocacy Committee

The Advocacy Committee is the advocacy arm of the chamber. Advocacy and education is critical to the business community. The Englewood Chamber advocates at the federal, state and local levels to make sure the business climate is the best it can be and businesses can operate in a truly free enterprise. We can also provide assistance with permitting, licensing and more. We partner with other organizations like the County Economic Development Offices and our Visitor & Convention Bureaus to add to our toolbox of resources.

Committee Members:

Click Here to view our Advocacy Page

Ambassador Committee

The Ambassador Committee plays a significant role in the chamber. They are on the front lines working with other members. They welcome new members, help them get involved and make sure they take advantage of the resources available to them through the chamber. Ambassadors are a well-respected extension of the Chamber. Though the time commitment is somewhat minimal, the benefits of being an Ambassador are immeasurable. As an Ambassador, you are an important extension to the Chamber structure and to the community.

Committee Members:

Fundraising Committee

The Fundraising Committee is tasked with managing our fundraising efforts.

Committee Members:

Membership Committee

The Membership Committee is tasked with finding ways to increase membership through engagement and interaction on new levels.

Committee Members: