Englewood Chamber Storm Center
**We will be adding resources to this page as they become available. Please continue to check back for updates**
Englewood Hurricane Relief Fund
Click Here to apply for the Englewood Chamber’s Financial Aid for Hurricane Victims (FREE FUNDING).
The Englewood Chamber of Commerce set up a fund to provide assistance to those who live in Englewood and were impacted by Hurricanes Helene & Milton. Click Here to Download the Application. There is over $150,000 available in this fund. Many individuals, companies and organizations contributed to this fund including $88,000 from the Lighthouse United Methodist Church of Boca Grande.
Click Here to donate to the Englewood Hurricane Relief Fund
*All funds donated will stay in Englewood.

Find a Legitimate Business:
After a storm, the Englewood Chamber play’s a crucial role in helping the community recover by providing a list of trusted local businesses. By curating a directory of reliable contractors, electricians, plumbers, and other service providers, the Chamber ensures that residents can access the resources they need to repair homes, clear debris, and restore services. This list can prevent residents from falling victim to scams or unqualified workers, offering peace of mind during a stressful time. Additionally, by promoting local businesses, the Chamber strengthens the community’s economy, helping small businesses thrive even in the wake of disaster. Need help? – Click Here to Search for Businesses
- Free Individual Funding:
– The Englewood Chamber of Commerce set up a fund to provide financial assistance to those who live in Englewood and were impacted by Hurricane Milton. Click Here to Download the Application.
– The United Way also has a fund to provide financial assistance to those in need. Please Click Here to Complete the Application. - Free Employee Funding: Food & Beverage workers: Please reach out to Southern Smoke Foundation. They can help you get the funding you need, whether that’s paying for groceries, damages to your home, medical bills, or lost wages due to missing work. To apply, Click Here. Remember, no crisis is too small to apply for help. They are here for you!
- Free Business Funding: The US Chamber of Commerce set up the Small Business Hurricane Recovery Fund. Apply for a grant of up to $5,000 per business. Click Here to begin your application.
- Free FEMA Funding: Apply for FEMA individual assistance now for your critical needs at DisasterAssistance.gov or call 800-621-3362, 7 am-10 pm daily. For help, contact Allison Albright at 202-674- 1759 or allison.albright@fema.dhs.gov FEMA Disaster Recover Center is open 7am-7pm Monday-Saturday at Tringali Park Community Center-3460 N. Access Road, Englewood.
- Work Opportunities: Click Here to view available work opportunities.
- Unemployment: Disaster Unemployment Assistance is available to Florida businesses and residents whose employment or self-employment was lost or interrupted. Eligible Floridians can submit a claim at FloridaJobs.org. To learn more including eligibility, click here.
- Clothing:
– Jubilee Center
– Project Phoenix
– Kids Needs of Greater Englewood - Food:
– Jubilee Center
– Project Phoenix
– Englewood Helping Hand
Free Clean Up Help
Help is available for cleaning up damage from Hurricane Helene. Crisis Cleanup connects you with volunteers from local relief organizations, community groups and faith communities who may be able to assist with cleanup after a storm such as mucking out, trees, tarp, debris. Call 844-965-1386 to ask for help. All services are free, but service is not guaranteed due to the overwhelming need. Additional cleanup can be found at:
- Crisis Clean Up (844-965-1386): Call to register for disaster assistance such as debris removal, tarping, muck and gut
- Samaritan’s Purse (1-833-747-1234): Call to register
- Epic Community Resource Center (941-460-6022): Call to register for disaster assistance such as debris removal and muck & gut
Temporary Housing
- Residents whose homes have been damaged and rendered uninhabitable from Hurricane Helene can temporarily live in recreational vehicles and mobile homes on their property until Sept. 23, 2027. Only occupants of the damaged home may reside in the temporary RVs or mobile homes. To register, visit bit.ly/rvregistration.
- To apply for a trailer, call the HOPE LINE at 1-833-Get-Hope.
Free Insurance Help
- The Florida Division of Consumer Services assists insurance consumers in the aftermath of a disaster. Visit myfloridacfo.com/division/consumers/storm/resources or call the insurance consumer helpline: 1-877-693-5236, 8 a.m. – 5 p.m.
- United Policyholders is a nonprofit consumer advocacy group that offers guidance on navigating claims and purchasing appropriate insurance. They do not sell insurance or take money from insurance companies. Visit www.uphelp.org/Helene or contact Julitza Perez, the United Policyholders Florida Local Liaison and attorney, at julitza.perez@uphelp.org or call 787-454-3353.
Free Legal Services
- Florida Rural Legal Services is a nonprofit law firm that provides free civil legal assistance to low-income individuals, families, and vulnerable populations including the elderly, Veterans, and victims of crime. Services include assistance with insurance claims, proof of ownership, property disputes, disaster benefits, and legal papers lost in the storm. visit frls.org or call 1-888-582-3410.
Partner Updates
Work That Can Be Completed Without a Permit
Charlotte County encourages residents to begin recovery efforts as soon as possible. To streamline the rebuilding process and prevent delays, the Charlotte County Community Development Department is providing guidelines for work that may be completed without the need for a permit.
The following work does not require a permit:
- Removal of debris from on or inside a structure.
- Minor demolition to prevent injury or prevent further damage to buildings. This includes removal of drywall that has been affected by flood water.
- Structural shoring and bracing.
- Repair of minor water leaks that do not involve structural, mechanical, or electrical systems.
- Previously permitted fences destroyed by the storm may be re-installed, like for like, in the exact same location, except for fences used as a pool enclosure. Pool enclosure fence replacements must be reviewed for compliance with pool safety requirements.
While these activities can begin immediately, residents should ensure that their recovery efforts comply with the Florida Building Code, any other applicable County codes, and safety standards.
If you are unsure whether your project requires a permit, or if additional information is needed, visit www.CharlotteCountyFL.gov/permits or contact Community Development at 941-743-1201 or BuildingConstruction@CharlotteCountyFL.gov.
West Charlotte County Permitting Location:
Charlotte County set oppened a pop-up permitting site at Mac V. Horton West County Annex, 6868 San Casa Drive, Englewood. This location will assist homeowners and contractors with residential storm-related permits for the following:
- Baby barrier
- Demolition
- Door
- Electrical
- Fence
- Mechanical (AC)
- Plumbing
- Remodel
- Roof
- Shutters
- Siding or soffit
- Stucco
- Water heater
- Window
Commercial permits are not currently available at this site. For other permit types, visit the main permitting office at 18400 Murdock Circle, Port Charlotte, or www.CharlotteCountyFL.gov/permits.
Operating Hours for Both Locations:
Monday: 9 a.m.-4 p.m.
Tuesday to Friday: 7:30 a.m.-4 p.m.
Last customer served at 3:30 p.m.
For additional information, call Community Development at 941-743-1201 or email CommunityDevelopment@CharlotteCountyFL.gov.
Sand Removal
Regarding private property owners returning clean compatible sand to the beach, please see paragraph C. 2. c. on page 18 of the Emergency Final Order.
“c. Return of sand to the beach dune system which has been deposited upland by the Storm
No state or local government permit or other authorization shall be required for a public or private property owner to return clean sand back onto the beach that has been deposited on the property owner’s property by the Storm. “Clean sand” is defined as sand that does not have stains or odors and that is similar to the pre-hurricane beach sand in both coloration and grain size. It must be free of debris, rocks, clay or other foreign matter. This clean sand can be collected and placed above the high tide line (or mean high water line) on the beach and dune system. Sand may not be placed over any existing native vegetation or storm generated debris on the beach. Any sand that does not meet the definition of clean sand may be taken to a Department authorized Disaster Debris Management Site that has been designated by the local government to accept the sand. The Department, or a local government on behalf of the Department, may bring an enforcement action against any public or private property owner that violates the requirements of this paragraph.”
Visit https://floridadep.gov/sites/default/files/CCCL%20Post%20Storm%20Information%20Handout_Private_06242022_0.pdf
The DEP contact info:
Kelly Cramer
Florida Department of Environmental Protection
Lee, Collier, Charlotte, & Monroe Counties
PO Box 2549, Ft. Myers, FL. 33902-2549
Lee, Collier, Charlotte, & Monroe Counties
PO Box 2549, Ft. Myers, FL. 33902-2549
DEP Cell #: 239-770-7502 (NO TEXTS)