Emergency Rental Assistance Program-ERAP
Emergency rental and utility assistance is available, please assist in spreading the word to members of our community.
Eligible households may receive up to 12 months of assistance, plus an additional three months if the grantee determines the extra months are needed to ensure housing stability and grantee funds are available. Households may reapply for additional assistance at the end of the three-month period if needed and the overall time limit for assistance is not exceeded. Please see links below to apply, based on residency:
Sarasota County residents: Sarasota County is a recipient of U.S. Department of the Treasury Emergency Rental funding, the County will administer the funds. For additional information, and to apply online: Sarasota County Emergency Rental Assistance Program. For questions or if assistance is needed, please call 941-861-RENT (7368). There are also several walk-in facilities available throughout the county. The Sarasota County Englewood CRA is providing walk-in support to Englewood residents residing in Sarasota County. Please contact CRA staff at 941-473-9795 to schedule an appointment.
Charlotte County residents: Charlotte County did not receive Emergency Rental funding directly (based on population), the state of FL will administer the funds. For additional information, and to apply online: https://www.ourflorida.com/. For questions or if assistance is needed, please call 833-493-0594