Manasota Mystique Presents The GRANDE Gala
This year Manasota Mystique Presents The GRANDE Gala. This theme will showcase one of Englewood’s very own hidden gems, Boca Grande. Located at the southern tip of the island, The newly renovated Boca Bay Pass Club enjoys a sprawling lush green lawn overlooking the stunning Boca Pass and Gulf of Mexico. This private club is opening up to Chamber Members for one day only! You work hard all year and deserve to treat yourself to the finer things. The Boca Bay Pass Club is making a special menu to accommodate the evening and showcase their specialty dishes. In true Chamber fashion, we will pull out all the stops with 2 open bars, live music by The Boogiemen 10 Piece Band, live & silent auctions and networking with Englewood’s who’s who. Registration includes entry, dinner, open bar, elite networking, entertainment, auction items, and more.
Title Sponsor: $5,000
10 tickets, allotted time to address attendees on stage, included on banner at event entrance, mentioned in event program, special recognition in social media promotions & chamber website, recognition in the Englewood Sun and W.E.N.G. Radio.

Banyan: $3,000
8 tickets, included on banner at check-in & at bar (2 locations), mentioned in event program, special recognition in social media promotions & chamber website, recognition in the Englewood Sun and W.E.N.G. Radio.
Lighthouse: $2000
4 tickets, included on banner at stage, mentioned in event program, special recognition on social media promotions & Chamber website
Englewood Community Redevelopment Area
HCA Florida Englewood Hospital
Innovative Marine Structures
Mike Douglass Plumbing
Paver Mac
WENG Radio
The Pass: $1000
2 tickets, included on banner in buffet area, mentioned in event program, special recognition in social media promotions & Chamber website.
Proceeds will be used to provide college scholarships for Lemon Bay High School Seniors, chamber building fund and future community relief efforts.