Invest and Renew Englewood Waterways
Our community needs your support!
Leadership Englewood is working with local businesses and fellow members of the community to help clean-up our local waterways.
Last year we watched our homes be destroyed, our neighbors be displaced, our parks go bare, and our beaches be littered with debris.
However, out of destruction comes creation and to represent this, the Leadership Englewood 2023 class would like to donate an art installation made from the hurricane debris collected from our clean-up efforts to a public space in Englewood.
This installation will be a reminder to the community that together, even when faced with the worst of times, we can create something beautiful.
Interested in supporting our efforts? Please see below for the details.
Click Here to Sponsor
Click Here to Donate
Click Here to Register to Volunteer
Contact Jessica Souza, 2023 Class President at 941-698-0303 Ex103 with any questions or ideas

At: Edgewater Club Inc.
Englewood Florida, 34224 -Charlotte, 34224-4730