Cracker Fair
After a 2-year hiatus the Lemon Bay Historical Society is happy to announce the Cracker Fair is back on Pioneer Plaza on Saturday, February 11, 2023, from 10 AM to 4 PM.
The Society holds this event as a way of educating the area about our history and contributing to the community. We can only do this with your help. To become a Sponsor please send your check for a minimum of $100 to Lemon Bay Historical Society, Inc., P.O. Box 1245, Englewood, FL 34295 by February 1. Your name or company’s name will appear on a banner above the stage, be announced during the event, and appear in the Society newsletter, social media and on our website.
There will be arts and crafts vendors, live entertainment, food vendors, educational exhibits, wildlife interactions. COVID caused the cancellation of the 2021 Cracker Fair and multiple construction projects on Dearborn Street did the same in 2022. We are very excited to bring this event back to the street.
All are invited to enter the Baking Contest…this lemon dessert contest will earn you bragging rights for 2023 and a prize. the theme: Zesty Lemon Treats: Turn the Sour into Sweet”. Entry form and more details can be picked up at The Chamber.
Vendor space is available for $35.
There is an application form and more information on our website:
The Historical Society hopes you will support the Cracker Fair by becoming a Sponsor or Vendor. Thank you