Composition to Performance: Music Start to Finish
“Composition to Performance: Music Start to Finish” with Hermitage Fellows Nkeiru Okoye and David “Doc” Wallace, Friday, October 28 @ 5:30pm: Like many art forms, music begins in the imagination of one creator, is documented on paper, and later interpreted by a completely different individual. But perhaps more than any other artform, musical creation, notation, and performance is simultaneously codified and constantly evolving. Hear from two exceptional practitioners on the process from start to finish. Nkeiru Okoye’s work is performed around the world, welcoming and affirming traditional and new audiences alike; David “Doc” Wallace is the chair of Berklee College of Music’s string department whose performance style has been described by New York Times as “Jimmy Page fronting Led Zeppelin.” This program is presented live, outdoors and socially distanced. Registration is required at ($5/person registration fee). Hermitage Beach, 6660 Manasota Key Rd., Englewood, FL 34223