Ivy’s Fashion Show at Magnolias on the Bay

Ivy’s on Dearborn is excited to showcase our Fall Fashions at the newest restaurant on the bay, the beautiful Magnolias on the Bay! September 20th – Doors Open at 11.30am. Ticket price will include lunch with soft drinks/coffee/tea. Cash bar will be available. Fundraiser will benefit Kids Needs Greater Englewood FL, Inc. Fashion Show, Lunch, Music, Pop up Shop, Raffles and more will make this a fabulous day! Limited tickets available on Eventbrite. Tickets $50. Click below for full details and to purchase tickets. Thank you for your support! Click the following link to purchase tickets: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/fashion-show-on-the-bay-tickets-401312756257?fbclid=IwAR1bNM6s7b5tQZvKStfbe82B0v3bs5TsVlOvsHAqrJHY7ueFjop8-4dvNgw

At: Magnolias on the Bay

2395 N. Beach Road
Englewood Fl, 34223

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