Women United Quarterly Meeting!

Join us for our Quarterly Women United Meeting on August 4th! We will be meeting at United Way South Sarasota County’s home base, right here in Venice, to celebrate our achievements, upcoming micro-events, our community impact and future goals.

This will be an awesome opportunity for you to learn all about the amazing things Women United is doing to support our community and how to get involved! So grab a friend and mark your calendars for this special Women United Meeting. This night of camaraderie with south county’s most ELITE women will not be one you want to miss!

RSVP here: https://secure.everyaction.com/Ejzqy6lTnEa4kh3DihEOzw2

More about Women United:

Women United is an affinity group of United Way South Sarasota County, created to engage, empower and educate local women interested in strengthening their community through selfless work. Through the efforts of our Women United Members, we have raised over $42,000 for Eviction Prevention and Homeless Mitigation, in just 7 months! Our team is working hard and hoping to surpass this goal by the ends of this year.

Join UWSSC’s Women United Group today and become a member of the most passionate network of women who create meaningful change in our community.