For the second production of its 30th Season, the Lemon Bay Playhouse will present “Hypnosis” by David Tristram. This thriller comedy, directed by Bob La Salle, opens on October 19 and runs through November 6, 2016.
The Great Gordo is an alcoholic stage hypnotist in the twilight of his career, who randomly chooses Alan Briggs, a mild-mannered cop, as his next “victim.” Briggs plays along, the audience laughs and everything seems to be going along fine. But someone out there has other ideas…the mind games begin and we sense there can only be one winner – but who? A hilarious mixture between thriller and farce, this play will keep you guessing and have you in stitches throughout!
Plan to see this show soon for the best seats. Information and tickets are available online at www.lemonbayplayhouse.com or by visiting or calling the Box Office at (941) 475-6756 between 10:00am and 2:00pm weekdays and one hour prior to curtain time. Reserved seat tickets are $18. Student tickets are available at $12 each.