Native Plant Walk

Native Plant Walk January 30, 2016, 9 AM, Lake Manatee State Park, 20007 SR64E, Bradenton, FL Join the Mangrove Chapter of the Native Plant Society for a slow stroll at Lake Manatee State Park. It is located 15 miles east of Bradenton on SR 64. The park extends for 3 miles along the southern shore of Lake Manatee. The lake came into existence in the late 60’s by damming the Manatee River. There are no manateees in this park because of the dam. The park’s habitat is primarily pine flatwoods and sand pine scrub with some depression marshes and hardwood forest present. There is a $5 vehicle fee with 2-5 passengers, and a $4 charge for a single occupant vehicle. Everyone is welcome. DIRECTIONS: Take I-75 north to Exit 220, SR64. Drive east for approximately 9 miles. The park entrance is on the left. For information, call Denny Girard at 941-474-1492, or email him at

At: Lake Manatee State Park

20007 SR64E
Bradenton FL

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