Honoring a Veteran with a Healthy Smile! Press Release

Press Release! Remembering our Veterans on Veteran’s Day! The Smile Centre Honors a Veteran! Accepting nominations for a Veteran to receive a “Healthy Smile.” Nominate a Veteran for a “Healthy Smile” at The Smile Centre today! Send us an email, fax or letter stating: – Who: Name and contact information – Their Branch of Service (E.g.: Army, Navy, Coast Guard, Air Force, Marines) – Dates of Service, and, if applicable the war(s) in which they have served. – Why you have chosen this Veteran for a Healthy Smile? – Nominator’s contact information. – Picture of nominee, if available. – Does your nominee know they have been nominated? – Can we contact the nominated Veteran directly? – Where did you find us? Our team will choose the Veteran from those nominated based on the criteria above. If the chosen nominee does not want to participate in the “Healthy Smile for a Veteran” project, another nominee will be chosen from the pool of those nominated. The nominated Veteran must be willing and able to come to our Sarasota and our Venice office for treatment. Time will be reserved within our working hours, which are most convenient for the chosen Veteran, Dr. Richard Stanley in our Sarasota office, and Dr. Vani Prabakaran in our Venice office. The Smile Centre will request a model release be signed for media use. It is our goal to honor the service of our Veterans by awarding the chosen nominee a healthy smile to help improve their overall quality of life! The nomination deadline will be Wednesday, November 4, 2015 at 5pm. The Veteran nominee will be chosen for their healthy smile on Veteran’s Day, Wednesday, November 11, 2015 Send emails to: carolynaa.tsc@gmail.com Or letters to: The Smile Centre 5899 Whitfield Ave #105 Sarasota, FL 34243 Fax: 941 351 9361 Attn: Carolyn

At: The smile centre

5899 whitfield ave #105
sarasota Florida, 34243

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